About Logos

The Beginning

Logos Rebinding started as a hobby in early August of 2020, fresh off getting my father’s preaching bible rebound by the late and great Jeff Putnam (Doulos Bible Rebinding). Jeff had much advice for me as I began this trade, and I owe much to his patience for getting me off the ground. I am grateful for all the rebinders who gave insight and wisdom for this business. Jeffery Rice (Post Tenebras Lux), Vitaliy Shipuk (SDG Rebinds), and Beau Tate were the rebinders I looked up to the most as I began crafting my style. The best advice I received was from Cherry Hill Bibles owner and operator, David Dalfino, encouraging me to problem solve and figure things out for myself building on the basics of the trade. Since then, it’s been nearly impossible to get me to leave my work room before a project is done (just ask my wife)!

What is Logos?

According to Ligonier Ministries, Logos is a noun for “The Word of God”. This plays out in the person of Jesus Christ, who is the personal Savior in whom any person may call on to be saved.
John 1:14 says, “And the Word (LOGOS) became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
This is a bit on the nose for a rebinding company, but it ended up sticking. The Word of God is “the sword of the Spirit,” described in Ephesians 6:17. My beautiful wife, Carley, illustrated the company logo and maker’s mark, which is a type of Roman gladius, close to period specifications.

The prophet Isaiah said, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit:

“All flesh is like grass, and all its beauty is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades when the breath of the LORD blows on it; surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.” Isaiah 40:6-8

I realize that the Word of God is much more eternal than a new goatskin or cowhide leather cover, and praise God for that! So whether you’d like to recover a well-loved Bible for yourself and posterity, or make a new Bible customized for years to come, I’d love to help!

Missions and Goals for Logos

My goal is to 1) glorify God by each rebind for those who would use it, 2) craft a bible cover that will last a lifetime, while ensuring the text block (fancy term for the pages of you bible) is intact and durable for many years 3) provide a product that has durability/beauty/ruggedness/elegance/grip/etc…whatever you need out of a rebind for feel and sight, 4) and a good customer experience for all my clients.

A Little Bit About Me!

Let me introduce myself! My name is Daniel Thrailkill. I have a beautiful wife, Carley, who is my joy! In the summer of 2023, we welcomed Eliana Hope into our little family. I’m so thankful for the family the Lord has given.

While Logos is my main gig, Carley and I have a music career as well, performing and touring whenever and wherever we can! We play bluegrass, gospel, worship, and singer-songwriter music. Here is a link to some of Carley’s music. I also perform with some of my buddies, The Trailblazers. Check out our music here. You can also see us on the road with our good friend Nick Dumas and Branchline. God has been so faithful in these endeavors, and we’d love to come to your town or church, if you’re interested. For music inquiries, reach out to us at carleyarrowoodmusic@gmail.com.

So yeah…my waitlist, it may be long, but just know I’m over here jumping for joy and incredibly thankful for the business.

Soli Deo Gloria in all these things.
